Thursday, November 4, 2010


sometimes i wonder if there are higher intelligence beings around, and we're to them like chickens, dogs or more like monkeys are to us.. aliens from other worlds or even beings from this earth, meddling in our lives, for entertainment, curiosity, or who knows what.. i mean why is it that we're on top, the best, as far as we can tell.. the most intelligent? what if there is another layer of "fun loving" beings between us and the "one" God if there is one, and he is God for them as he is to us and the chickens ... and what if "God" doesn't really get involved, but they, they do, and sometimes they have different plans for us than we do, and make all kinds of weird things happen to us, including smacking ourselves.. out of benevolence or what not... weird things happen to me too nonstop, i mean like omg, all this is way past what randomly should happen... but im one stubborn mofo.. i go head against the wall nonstop... i can feel "guidance" in one direction, but i purposely make suicidal and unrational choices against it simply to assert freedom.. inner freedom.. because that is the most essential ingredient of life and survival.. you let freedom slowly erode and slip from you and people in general, you might as well call yourself dead.. it does not mean stupidity, conceitedness, lack of discipline or even unwillingness to die.. or disregard for the rights of other beings, including other people.. we talk about inner freedoms, and whatever externally affects that.. a one God would not set out to rob you of your inner freedom, but other, higher intelligence beings might, just like we, humans, unfortunately, do animal research because we dont know the answers, or, have to control animals to breed them, or hunt them simply for food, like eskimos almost have no other choice, its hard to be vegetarian where nothing is green, just ice.. a one God knows the research answers, and does not need food... of course with the advent of remote control, tiny candid cameras, and unpublished scientific research, it might be just people like you and me pulling amazing stunts on you, they dont have to be higher intelligence.. and then again, also, one has to be careful with drawing the conclusion that something is nonrandom... i cant find the exact reference, but i read somewhere this: a teacher gave as homework to roll a dice 3000 times or so, and write down the numbers.. he' grade them, like 27 kids got A's, and 3 got F's for cheating, for making up the numbers without actually rolling the dice.. how did he know? it's easy.. the people who did not have enough 4 sixes or twos or threes in a row, or enough density of 3 of the same kind in a row, something we may not generate enough of when we make up the numbers off the top of our heads.. true randomness requires a certain density of coincidences, of spookiness, and lack of such things is what should actually be very spooky.. as in how come nothing weird or spooky ever happens to me... that would be spooky.. so when calling a judgement on this is way past simple coincidences, am i on candid camera, is somebody messing with me, why does all this happen to me but nobody else around me, at least nowhere near to the same extent.. one has to consider the minimum required threshold of spookiness before things can be deemed nonrandom anymore, and a search for deliberate intent can be justified.. this is how religion throughout the world might be so universal... saying i can feel a "presence" may simply be an error in the human mind's judgment about the minimum required spookiness threshold for truly random things.. but then again, it may not..

PS. disregard for the rights of other beings:
we need to kill in order to live, and figuring out a sterile way to live, such as desert solar electric run plants generating ammonia and food proteins from co2, h2o, n2 and rock, without any dna being involved or "killed" in the generation of that food, is not necessarily "better," compared to being embedded in the middle of trees, bugs, birds, inside a desert arboretum, touching the trees, walking on grass and crushing it in the process, stepping on bugs because its impossible to walk around any other way if there is abundance of life, but if seeing a sufficiently large one, not stepping on it on purpose.. but stepping next to it.. killing for food, but as little "higher" lifeforms with a mind and nerves and "pain" as possible.. it's hard to say whats better for the cows.. us eating them as meat, and ensuring their survival by making them numerous, or just milking them, and being less numerous.. ethics is a measure of luxury, and some people stuck in a cave from an avalanche on a ski trip for weeks have been excused in the eyes of the law for eating each other, given the circumstances.. because life is precious.. in view of disregarding the rights of other beings.. and just as with cows, same with chickens and eggs.. what's better for them... not eating chicken meat, or not even eating their eggs, and thereby threatening them with extinction.. in this sense we too, would we rather be slaves, to beings of higher intelligence than us, or even to our fellow humans, that would breed us, protect us and ensure our own survival too, as long as we obeyed them and followed their command, or would we rebel and say, give me liberty or give me death? we could say the thing that separates human beings from animals is this necessity of freedom, but that is not true.. animals have the same need for freedom (as much as i can relate to other social mammals like dogs and cats, that come to me out of their own good will, but do not like to be forced, less to salmons spawning and dying that could care less about me).. life is precious and i'd rather live through slavery than die.. holding on to some inner freedom that comes across as some retarded stupidity and suicidal occasional stubbornness, that constant dormant unpredictability.. that makes my masters uneasy, and give up like an unpredictable horse breed.. temporary slavery is ok.. is all i ever known.. permanent.. that is a different story.. i'd like to see chickens roam around freely, embedded among other life and trees, happy, but i do buy cheap eggs out of nonluxurious necessity, temporarily.. thats how id like to be a permanent slave to higher lifeforms.. happy and free... like a mexican native complained.. he does not like it in the city.. there is no room for the chickens.. back in his village the chickens roam around wildly.. he loves chickens and cannot imagine his life without them, even if he eats them, he likes hi chicken to be free and happy, he loves them.. if i'd have to be a permanent slave, or a chicken, thats the kind of master i'd want.. the one that eats next to me, lets me sit on his shoulders.. and we "live" together, fighting death using each other.. thats a stark contrast to remote ownership profit driven industrialized crowded chicken cages.. a hell which i presently have to support because i have bills to pay

PS2. Animals need freedom just like humans - in zoos the fertility rate used to be very low, until recent times, when the needs and happiness and freedom of animals has been better understood. Often even after artificial insemination females used to reject offsprings, because they were not feeling free. That is for wild animals, which come from a world where absence of balance and self regulation can devastate everything, including the highly successful and proliferating species itself. Truly wild animals high up on the foodchain, responsible for the balance of vast ecosystems beneath them and with a lot of power to devastate it, do not breed well in captivity. In this sense man is an animal thats highly proliferating, but ceases to be truly wild, dangerously out of balance with its environment. Though if you can live sustainably in outer space, and "create" new space for life (there is a whole lot of room up there), you can say that you are responsibly proliferating. Ultimately, even considering all the room and resources of outer space, the malthusian catastrophe of populations getting out of hand can only be countered with war, disease, predators, famine - none of which are nice - or self regulation, like China's 1 child policy, of course, only in times of need. Self regulation aint no fun, but it's better than any of the other choices.
Freedom is an overall sense of space, room, excess and abundance of resources, all in all excess luxury, that new life depends on.

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